Andreas Schoenangerer

2023 | toilet paper & sewer pipes, sound | 237x121cm |
Adaptation of "Korobeiniki": Gabriel Schoenangerer

There are 7 different geometric forms in Tetris, called tetrominoes - usually each of them in a seperate color.
I intended to build a design consisting of only the ukrainian and russian national colors, so...
I customized the code of a Tetris-clone by Pavel Benáček - written in Python (check the logo!) - and played the game for several hours.
The pattern I took for my arrangement is from a screenshot taken just before my highscore-game was over.

Instead of sharing my content considerations, I asked a popular chatbot for reflections:

Can you see any theoretical commonalities between Tetris and warfare?

While Tetris is a classic puzzle video game that involves fitting different-shaped blocks together to complete lines and clear the playing field, and warfare is a complex and multifaceted human activity involving armed conflict, it is possible to draw some theoretical commonalities between them in a metaphorical or abstract sense. Here are a few potential parallels:

  1. Strategy and Planning:
    In both Tetris and warfare, strategic thinking and planning are crucial. In Tetris, players need to anticipate the best placement of blocks to maximize line clears and prevent the playing field from filling up. Similarly, in warfare, military leaders must devise strategic plans to achieve objectives while considering various factors and potential obstacles.
  2. Resource Management:
    Tetris involves managing limited resources (the falling blocks) efficiently. In warfare, commanders must manage resources such as troops, supplies, and technology effectively. The concept of optimizing resource allocation is a commonality between the two.
  3. Adaptability and Flexibility:
    Both Tetris and warfare require adaptability and flexibility. In Tetris, the game speed increases, and new block shapes are introduced, forcing players to adapt their strategies. Similarly, in warfare, unexpected events and changing circumstances require military forces to be flexible and adapt to evolving situations.
  4. Pressure and Time Constraints:
    Tetris creates pressure through the increasing speed of falling blocks, imposing time constraints on players. Similarly, warfare often involves time-sensitive situations where quick decisions and actions are necessary. Both contexts involve dealing with pressure and making decisions under constraints.
  5. Risk Management:
    Both Tetris and warfare involve risk management. In Tetris, players take risks by leaving gaps to create opportunities for larger point-scoring moves. In warfare, military leaders must assess risks and make decisions that balance potential gains against potential losses.

It's important to note that these connections are metaphorical and don't diminish the fundamental differences between a video game and the complex and often tragic realities of warfare. The comparison is meant to highlight certain abstract concepts rather than draw direct parallels between the two activities.

Can you assume any relations between Tetris and toilet paper in a piece of art?

In the realm of conceptual art, creative connections can be made between seemingly unrelated elements like Tetris and toilet paper. Here are a few possible conceptual relations:

  1. Resource Management and Efficiency:
    Tetris is a game that involves efficiently managing limited space, strategically arranging falling shapes to create complete lines. In a conceptual artwork, Tetris could be related to the efficient use of resources, and toilet paper might symbolize a basic and essential resource. The artwork could explore the idea of managing essential resources in a strategic and sustainable manner.
  2. Symbolism of Order and Structure:
    Tetris is known for its emphasis on order and structure, creating lines and maintaining a neat arrangement. In a conceptual artwork, these elements could symbolize the desire for order, cleanliness, and structure in various aspects of life, including the mundane and the essential.
  3. Absurdity and Everyday Challenges:
    The contrast between the structured nature of Tetris and the chaos of toilet paper might convey a sense of the absurdity and unpredictability of navigating daily challenges. The artwork could explore the tension between the orderly and the chaotic aspects of life.
  4. Scarcity and Panic:
    Both Tetris and toilet paper have been associated with scarcity and panic buying, albeit in different contexts. An artwork might explore the themes of scarcity, panic, and the psychological aspects of resource availability, drawing parallels between the urgency in a game of Tetris and the real-world reactions to shortages.
  5. Nostalgia and Everyday Rituals:
    Tetris, being a classic game, may evoke feelings of nostalgia. Toilet paper, a mundane yet essential item, is part of daily rituals. A conceptual artwork might play on these elements to explore the nostalgia associated with both the virtual world of gaming and the routine aspects of everyday life.

Remember, the interpretation of such conceptual relationships is subjective and can vary widely. The success of the artwork would depend on the artist's ability to convey these connections in a way that resonates with viewers and prompts contemplation about the underlying themes.

Can you metaphorically see any relations between toilet paper and war?

Metaphorically, one could draw certain parallels between toilet paper and war, although it's important to note that this comparison is meant to be lighthearted and should not trivialize the serious nature of war. Here are a few metaphorical connections:

  1. Resource Scarcity:
    In times of conflict, there can be a scarcity of essential resources, and access to basic necessities like food, water, and even sanitary items can be limited. Similarly, there have been instances where the availability of toilet paper has become a concern during crises.
  2. Strategic Planning and Allocation:
    Both war and the availability of toilet paper may involve strategic planning and allocation of resources. In war, military leaders must allocate resources effectively to achieve objectives. In a metaphorical sense, people may strategically plan and manage their toilet paper usage during times of scarcity.
  3. Panic and Hoarding:
    During times of crisis, there can be panic and hoarding behavior. In the context of war, people might stockpile essential items. Similarly, there have been instances where concerns about shortages have led to toilet paper hoarding.
  4. Symbol of Comfort and Normalcy:
    Toilet paper, despite its basic function, can be seen as a symbol of comfort and normalcy. In war, people may seek comfort in routine activities or familiar items to maintain a sense of normalcy.

It's crucial to approach such metaphors with sensitivity, as war is a serious and complex reality with significant consequences. The comparison with toilet paper is meant to be a playful and metaphorical exploration, and it's important not to trivialize the challenges and hardships faced by those affected by actual conflicts.

Can you draw any connections between the so called toilet paper crisis in japan in 1974 and the way war works?

The so-called "toilet paper crisis" in Japan in 1974 is an interesting historical event that involved a sudden surge in demand for toilet paper, leading to shortages and panic buying. While this incident is not directly related to warfare, one can draw some metaphorical connections to aspects of how crises, resource management, and public response operate, similar to certain dynamics seen in wartime scenarios:

  1. Resource Scarcity and Panic:
    In times of war, there can be a sudden and increased demand for essential resources, leading to scarcity. The toilet paper crisis in Japan similarly involved a sudden surge in demand, driven by rumors of a shortage. The panic and hoarding behavior observed in both situations highlight how perceptions and rumors can influence public behavior during crises.
  2. Government Response and Allocation:
    During wartime, governments often implement measures to manage and allocate resources efficiently. In the case of the toilet paper crisis, the Japanese government intervened by coordinating with manufacturers to increase production and distributing existing supplies. This echoes the need for strategic planning and resource allocation in both wartime and crisis situations.
  3. Public Behavior and Adapting to Scarcity:
    Both wartime scenarios and the toilet paper crisis required the public to adapt to scarcity. In war, civilians may need to adjust their lifestyles due to resource constraints. Similarly, during the toilet paper crisis, people had to adapt to limited availability by changing their purchasing habits and finding alternatives.
  4. Role of Media and Information:
    The spread of information, whether accurate or not, can play a significant role in shaping public perception during crises. In wartime, misinformation or propaganda can influence public opinion. In the toilet paper crisis, rumors about shortages fueled panic buying. Understanding the role of information is crucial in managing public reactions in various crises.

It's essential to recognize that while these metaphorical connections exist, the scale, nature, and consequences of war are far more serious and complex than a consumer product shortage. The comparison is meant to highlight certain dynamics of human behavior, resource management, and crisis response rather than equate the two situations directly.

Why would one use the russian folk song "korobeiniki" in an artwork about war?

The use of the Russian folk song "Korobeiniki" in an artwork about war could carry various symbolic and emotional implications, depending on the artist's intentions and the context of the artwork. Here are a few potential reasons why one might choose to incorporate "Korobeiniki" into such a piece:

  1. Historical Connection:
    "Korobeiniki" is a well-known Russian folk song with historical roots. Incorporating it into an artwork about war could establish a connection with Russia's history, culture, or past conflicts. The song might evoke a sense of nostalgia or reflection on the impact of war on Russian society.
  2. Cultural Symbolism:
    The song is widely recognized and associated with Russian culture, particularly due to its use in the popular video game "Tetris." Using "Korobeiniki" could serve as a cultural symbol, emphasizing the unique cultural context of Russian involvement in wars or conflicts.
  3. Contrast and Irony:
    The upbeat and lively melody of "Korobeiniki" contrasts sharply with the somber and serious themes associated with war. This contrast might be used ironically to highlight the stark disparity between the lively cultural heritage and the harsh realities of conflict.
  4. Humanizing Effect:
    By incorporating a well-known and often joyful folk song, the artist might seek to humanize the subjects of the artwork—soldiers, civilians, or those affected by war. The juxtaposition of the song with war-related imagery could evoke a sense of shared humanity and the impact of conflict on individuals.
  5. Emotional Resonance:
    The melody and lyrics of "Korobeiniki" carry emotional resonance. Depending on the arrangement and context within the artwork, the song could evoke specific emotions, such as nostalgia, sadness, or even hope. These emotional undertones might enhance the viewer's connection to the themes of war portrayed in the artwork.
  6. Narrative or Storytelling:
    "Korobeiniki" often tells a story in its lyrics. The narrative nature of the song might be employed to weave a specific narrative within the artwork, connecting the historical or cultural elements of the song to the visual storytelling about war.

It's important to note that the interpretation of art is subjective, and the impact of using "Korobeiniki" in an artwork about war would depend on the artist's intentions, the visual elements accompanying the music, and the overall context provided within the piece.

What is the difference between a special operation and war?

A special operation and war are distinct concepts, with the former often being a component or subset of the latter. Here are the key differences between a special operation and war:

  1. Definition:
    War: War is a state of armed conflict between different nations or between different groups within a nation. It involves organized and often prolonged fighting, typically characterized by extreme violence and a high level of intensity. War is a broad and comprehensive term that encompasses various types of conflicts.
    Special Operation: A special operation, on the other hand, refers to a specific military mission or activity conducted by specially trained and equipped forces. Special operations are often characterized by their clandestine or covert nature and can include missions such as reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, and intelligence gathering.
  2. Scope and Scale:
    War: War is a large-scale, overarching concept involving a prolonged and widespread conflict between nations or groups. It can involve multiple theaters of operation, numerous military units, and a range of strategies and tactics.
    Special Operation: Special operations are typically smaller in scale and focus on specific objectives. They may be conducted by specialized units such as special forces, commandos, or other elite military units. Special operations are often more targeted and precise compared to the broader scope of a full-scale war.
  3. Duration:
    War: Wars can last for extended periods, ranging from months to years, and may involve multiple phases and campaigns.
    Special Operation: Special operations are usually shorter in duration and are designed to achieve specific goals within a relatively brief timeframe. These missions often require a high level of precision and rapid execution.
  4. Objective:
    War: The objectives of a war are typically broader and may include territorial gain, political influence, or the resolution of geopolitical disputes.
    Special Operation: Special operations have specific, often tactical, objectives. These objectives could include gathering intelligence, conducting targeted strikes, disrupting enemy operations, or rescuing hostages.
  5. Visibility:
    War: Wars are generally highly visible and known to the public. They often involve large-scale mobilization of military forces, and their impact is felt across societies.
    Special Operation: Special operations are often conducted with a degree of secrecy and may not be publicly disclosed until after their completion. The covert nature of these missions is intended to maintain the element of surprise and enhance operational effectiveness.

In summary, while war represents a comprehensive and prolonged state of armed conflict, special operations are specific, often covert, military activities conducted within the broader context of a conflict or as standalone missions to achieve particular objectives. Special operations are a component of military strategy employed to address specific challenges or opportunities within the larger framework of war or conflict.
